
We see stars only at night

Cole Pauls is a Champagne and Aishihik Citizen and Tahltan comic artist, illustrator & printmaker hailing from Haines Junction (Yukon Territory) with a BFA in Illustration from Emily Carr University.

A pocketsized comic by Indigenous Voices winner Cole Pauls. Llege zedle s_on nes_it’in (Tahltan for we see stars only at night ) is a surrealistic landscape of Tahltan shapes, culture and motifs. Originally created for the Nanaimo Art Gallery’s group show “Gutters are Elastic” between July 15 to September 23, 2023, Pauls decided to expand the work into a full length book.
Playing with the connection between land, regalia, performance and heritage, Pauls follows in the footsteps of Tiger Tateishi, Hironori Kikuchi and Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas with his dreamlike narrative. This book contains 80 b&w illustrations.

We see stars only at night

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