
Strong Readers Set A – Level 1: Fish for supper Online now
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$7.50 $4.05
SKU: US-7693005291773941
Category: Strong Nations Publishing
Tags: 2012, Animals, Canadian Content, Children, Grade One, Grade One-Two-Three, Grade Two, Kindergarten, Leveled Readers, Literacy, Non-Fiction, Preschool-Kindergarten, Strong Nations Publishing
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Strong Readers Set A – Level 1: Fish for supper
Written by Terri Mack, Kay Kwee Kway Kwa, is a member of the Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Nation; illustrated by Bill Helin, Tsimshian (Ts’msysen), Tlingit.
Many animals fish for their supper.
What are some things that animals fish for?