
Indigenous Communities in Canada – Labrador Innu (PB)

Indigenous Communities in Canada: The Labrador Innu is an elementary level information book by Camille Fouillard and Kanani Davis. Published by Beech Street Books, this book is part of their Curriculum Connections series. Indigenous Communities in Canada are about the past and present-day culture and history. Indigenous Communities in Canada: The Labrador Innu, begins with the Innu atanukan, or story, about their creation and then defines and describes their homeland, language and identity. The Changes that occurred with the arrival of the French in the 1600s establishing New France with a focus on bartering and trading for meat and fur. Chapter two is about the Innu way of life and refers to how the Innu lived, their hunting, fishing, toolmaking, weapons, woodworking and clothing. This chapter also discusses feasts and ceremonies. Life growing up and Innu life today is discussed with photographs. In chapter three, the caribou, which are significant to Innu people because they are the caribou people, shows the spiritual and sacred as well as hunting and feasting aspects of the Innu. Chapter four discusses settlement, self-government and land rights and the development of the Innu Nation in 1990. Innu traditional territory and a map of this area is shown in colour. The text is complemented by colourful photos and the content introduces primary and junior level students to the Labrador Innu. Throughout the text readers will find ‘Say It’ prompts to pronounce Innu-aimun words. Includes a table of contents, glossary, information on learning more with websites, an index and information about the authors. Guided reading level: M (Grade 2/3 F&P). Recommended.

Indigenous Communities in Canada - Labrador Innu (PB)

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