
Les communautés autochtones canadiennes – La communauté métisse / Indigenous Communities in Canada – The Métis (FR)
Les Communautés Autochtones Canadiennes: La Communauté Métisse is the French language translation of Beech Street Books series, Indigenous Communities in Canada: Métis Community. Developed for elementary level students, this 24-page book by Laura K. Murray offers a resource about the culture and history of the Métis Nation. Many different communities of Métis in Canada formed throughout the fur trade territory and western prairies. Métis life focuses on family, bison hunts, jobs in the past, and education. In the past Métis moved to hunt, fish, trade or work and houses and transport changed accordingly. With the westward migration by Europeans in the nineteenth century Métis were forced off Métis land and they were forced to defend their territory from the trespassers. Losing their leader Louis Riel after the Battle of Batoche gave rise to road allowances where many Métis had to live in impoverished conditions. Beliefs and celebrations discuss music, art and dance and gathering together to celebrate being Métis. The text uses colour images and content that introduces primary and junior level students to the Métis with a map of Métis territory. There is also pronunciation guidance for Métis words with English translations, inquiry questions, a table of contents, glossary, information on learning more with websites and an index. Culture content for this information book was provided by Dr. Larry Chartrand, law professor, University of Ottawa.

Les communautés autochtones canadiennes - La communauté métisse / Indigenous Communities in Canada - The Métis (FR)

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